The Self-harm fulfilling prophesy

One of the interesting and damaging things about certain types of childhood trauma is the way our sense of self and boundaries are affected. If you were conditioned as a child to have no boundaries or very unhealthy ones, then as an adult you may find you struggle with giving too much information too quicklyContinue reading “The Self-harm fulfilling prophesy”

Is depression always bad?

When we think of the many different human emotions, we often separate these feelings into categories of “good” and “bad” feelings. There are many reasons for this- maybe we were taught that certain expressions of feelings weren’t okay and so we categorize that feeling as bad. Or maybe someone else’s expression of an emotion frightenedContinue reading “Is depression always bad?”

Not all heroes wear capes.

Springtime symbolizes rebirth and renewal. It also symbolizes the act of getting to work with the act of living. In the spring, the world wakes up and gets to work. Plants bloom, babies are born. We begin to climb out of our seasonal depression and into the sunlight where we find hope. Hope that lifeContinue reading “Not all heroes wear capes.”

Gratitude practice- Why I want you to stop doing it

A gratitude practice is a daily habit of identifying and naming several things you are grateful for each day. Most people use a gratitude practice as a part of therapy or self-help to work on developing a more positive outlook.  Gratitude practices work well with cognitive behavioral and positive psychology approaches to therapy. When aContinue reading “Gratitude practice- Why I want you to stop doing it”

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